Creating a New Expense Report

To create a new expense report, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Accessing the Time Report Application (and Expense Report Feature): Log in to Ework's Verama account and navigate to the "Time reports" tab.
  2. Login to the time report application
  3. Create Expense Report: Click on the "Create Expense Report" button and fill in the required information, including:
    1. Worker
    2. Supplier
    3. Client
    4. Expense report name
    5. Short description

      Click "Create Report" to create the expense report.

  4. Editing Expense Report Details: To edit any of the above information, hover over the status "draft" and click on the pen icon to edit the expense report details. Note that only expense reports with a status of "draft" can be edited.

    Reporting Expenses 
    Selecting the Expense Report: In the table view, click on the expense report that you want to report expenses to.
    Report Expenses: In the table view,  click on the Expense report that you want to report expenses to.

  1. Entering Expense Data: Click the button "Add Expenses"
  2. Fill in details of the specific expense:
    1. Project: Select what project the expense is releated to (if multiple projects)
    2. Expense Type: The category of the expense (e.g., travel, meals, mileage).
    3. Expense Date: The date the expense was incurred.
    4. Expense Description: A brief description of the expense.
    5. Expense Currency: Select the currency the expense was purchased in.
    6. Expense Country: Select country the purchase was done in.
    7. Expense Net Amount: The net amount of the expense.
    8. Upload Expense Attachment: You can upload supporting documentation (e.g., receipts) for each expense entry. 
    9. Add multiple expenses: To add multiple expenses to the same expense report, report from step 5.
    10. Saving as Draft: Click the "Save" button to save the expense. This action will preserve the entered data and allow further modifications.

      Revisiting the Draft Status: If necessary, return to the Expense report and click on the expense you want to edit to make further changes to the expense.

    11. Submitting an Expense Report for Approval: To submit an expense report for approval, click on the submit button. 

    12. Reviewing Expense Report Details: Switch to the overview tab to review more detailed information about the expense report and see all expense. To see all actions for the time report switch to the history tab.

    13. Delete an Expense Report: Click on the button Delete Report if you want to Delete the full Expense report.

    14. Delete an Expense: Go to the expense report overview. Click on the three dots on the Expense you want to delete (or edit). Click delete - the expense will now be deleted.

      Important Notes

      Ensure that all expense reports are submitted with supporting documentation (e.g., receipts).

      Expenses must be accurately reported and approved according to the end client's expense policy.

      If you encounter any difficulties or questions during the expense reporting process, please contact the Ework support team for assistance.