In case you do not remember your password, you can recover it on the "Log in" Page.
To recover your password:
1) Go to
2) Click Log in in the upper right corner of the screen. The "Log in" window will open.
3) Click Forgot your password?
The "Reset password" window will open.
4) Enter your email (login) and click Reset password.
The "Reset password" message will appear.
You will receive a Request to reset your password message to your e-mail.
5) Open the email
6) Click Reset password
The "Reset Password" window will open
7) Fill the Enter password and Confirm password fields
Note that you must provide the same password in both fields.
8) Click Reset password to activate the password you just provided.
The "Password has been reset" message will pop up.
9) Click Log in to go back to the Log in window
10) Click Log in to proceed.
You will now be transferred to Verama Supplier Portal.
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