To access Verama, you must be logged in.

Click one of the following to learn more:


How to log in for the first time?

To log in to Verama for the first time:

1) Go to,

2) Click Log in in in the upper right corner of the screen.

The Log in window will open. 

3) Click Create account here in the lower part of the window.

The Registration form will open.

4) Make sure to meet the password criteria. Red crosses will change to green “check” signs.

5) Check the privacy policy and user access agreement to proceed further.

6) Click Create account.

The Email Verification window will open.

The verification message will be sent to your mailbox. 

7) Check your mailbox for a message titled Verify your email and complete registration and open it.

8) If you haven’t received the verification e-mail, click Resend email for the message to be sent again.

The e-mail should look very similar to the example below.

9) Click Verify email to confirm the e-mail address that you provided in the Registration Form.

You will now be transferred back to Verama.

10) Now, click Login.

11) Use the credentials that you provided during the registration process.

12) Click Log in to enter Verama, or

 If you used a Google e-mail address to register to Verama, click the Google button to log in via Google.

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How to log in to Verama with an existing account?

To log in to Verama with an existing account:

1) Go to,

2) Click Log in in in the upper right corner of the screen.

The Log in  window will open. 

3) Use your credentials in the Log in window and click Login,

You will now be transferred to Verama.

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How to log in with LinkedIn or Google account?

To log in with LinkedIn or Google account:

1) Go to,

2) Click Log in in in the upper right corner of the screen.

The Log in  window will open. 

3) Click LinkedIn or Google,

4) In case of a Linked in Account:

  • You will be transferred to the LinkedIn Welcome Back window

  • Provide your LinkedIn credentials and click Sign in

5) In case of a Google account:

  • After clicking the Google button in the Log in  window, you will be automatically be transferred to Verama

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