Creating a New Time Entry

To create a new time entry, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Accessing the Time Report Application: Log in to Ework's Verama account and navigate to the "Time reports" tab, and then access the time report application.
  • Login to the time report application 
  • Selecting the Time Period: Click on the "Time Reports" tab and select the time period for which you wish to report time. Note that only time periods with a status of "draft" can be edited.

  • To ensure accurate reporting, you can report time and expenses against a specific contract and period:
    • Select the Contract: Search for the relevant contract and select it from the list of available options.
    • Select correct period: Within the contract, select the specific time period you want to report on. Only periods in the status "draft" can be edited.
  • Navigating the Calendar
    • Switching Weeks: Click on the arrows to switch between weeks. This allows you to report time across multiple weeks. (2)
    • Selecting a Day: Click on the specific day you wish to report time against. (3)

  • Overtime or other time types are displayed on seperate rows, see example below. 
  • Reporting Time
    • Entering Time: Add the number of hours and minutes you want to report for the specific day. Note the following formatting requirements:
    • Hours and Minutes: Report time in the format "Xh Ym", where X is the number of hours and Y is the number of minutes. For example, "7h 30m".
    • Hours Only: If you are reporting only hours, you do not need to add "h" to the number. For example, "7".

Example Reporting Formats

7 hours and 30 minutes: Report as "7h 30m"

8 hours: Report as "8"

3 hours and 15 minutes: Report as "3h 15m"

  • Attach a document: Either chose a file from you drive or drag and drop file to attach to your time report.

  • Click Submit to submit your time for invoicing. Please note that you cannot change the reported hours for this period once it has been submitted. 

The hours submitted are the basis for the Self Billing invoice Ework will submit to your company once your time report has been approved. By submitting the time report you certify that you understand this and that all hours (standard hours & overtime / standby / travel hours) reported are correct and that you have reported the same amount of hours to the Client.