1. Prerequisites for Activating PayExpress

To activate PayExpress on a timesheet, you must have one of the following roles in Ework's Verama:

  • Admin
  • Manager

Additionally, if you have already activated PayExpress on the assignment, you will not be able to see the PayExpress option on a timesreport.

2. Enabling PayExpress on a Timereport

 Enable PayExpress on a timereport, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Overview tab in Verama.
  2. Locate the Report Overview section,  below the report summary.
  3. Look for the Payment Option section, which is usually found below the Report Overview. 
  4. Select the option "Instant payment with PayExpress" to activate PayExpress on the timereport. 

Overview of the PayExpress Activation Process:

  • The default value for Payment Option is set to the standard payment terms corresponding to the end client's payment terms.
  • Activating PayExpress allows you to receive instant payment for your timereport as soon as the report is approved. This feature is optional, and you can choose to enable it on a report-by-report basis by following the steps outlined above.