To update your email address associated with your login, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Verama account : Begin by logging in to your Verama account using your current email address and password.
- Access your profile settings: Go to the menu in the upper right corner and click on "My profile". This needs to be the profile your contract and time report is related to (if you have multiple profiles and companies connected to your profile)
- Edit your email address: Click on the pen icon next to your current email address in your profile.
- Add a new email: Select the email you want to add to this profile. If the email address does not yet exist on your account, you will need to enter the new email address manually in the "Add new email" field (see step 6).
- Save your changes: Enter your current password and click "Save" to update your email address in the profile related to your time report account.
- Add a new email address (if necessary)
- Proceed to account settings: Click on your avatar in the upper right corner and select "Account Settings".
- Add a new email address: If you tried to add a new email address in step 4 that does not yet exist on your account, navigate to the "Email Address" section and click on "Add email".
- Enter your new email address in the provided field and your current password. Click "Send verification" to send a verification email to your new email address.
- Verify your new email address: Receive the verification email sent to your new email address and click on the verification link to confirm your new email address.
- Update your login email: You will now be able to log in to your account using your updated email address.
Important note: To successfully login to the time report application using the updated email, you need to update the email on your profile as described in these steps.
If you're still having trouble: If you're still experiencing issues with updating your email address, please feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.