Enhanced Calendar View and Submission Process


We have released an update to our application's calendar view and submission process to improve user clarity and reduce confusion. This update includes the removal of the misleading "Submit" button from the calendar view and replace with a new "Save and go to overview" button. It will only be possible to submit a time report from the overview tab.


Key Features:

  1. "Save and go to overview" Button: The "Submit" button in the calendar view has been replaced with a new "Save and go to overview" button. Clicking this button will route the user to the overview tab. 

  2. Rebranded Submit Buttons: All "submit" buttons have been renamed to "Submit for approval", providing clarity on the intended action. 

  3. Pop-up Text Update: The pop-up text has been updated to clearly indicate that clicking the "Submit" button will move the time report to the approval stage.

  4. Enhanced User Interface: The submit button is now larger to improve visual clarity and reduce confusion.



  • Reduces user confusion regarding the submission process.

  • Improves user experience by clearly indicating the intended action.

  • Ensures consistency across the application's UI.